A complete change of clothing including long pants, with all clothing items labeled, and in a large Ziploc bag that also has your child’s name in case of accidents
Please do NOT label these items:
1 box quart-sized bags
1 set skinny dry erase markers
1 set 4” markers (short pip-squeak like markers)
1 pack white cardstock
3 cans Play-dough
4 Glue sticks
1 box Thermal Lamination Pouches
1 container Lysol/Clorox wipes
1 box tissues
2 boxes Crayola crayons
1 set watercolors
1 hand sanitizer
1 pack paper plates
PM Classes: What to Bring
Please LABEL these items:
Your child’s Full Size backpack with their name
A complete change of clothing including long pants, with all clothing items labeled, and in a large Ziploc bag that also has your child’s name in case of accidents